Master Theses

Within the framework of current research projects and research focuses, we can prepare theses for the following courses of study:

  • Applied Geosciences
  • Geoecology
  • Geophysics
  • Water Science and Engineering

If you are interested, please contact the respective contact person directly:

Prof. Dr. Nico Goldscheider

Dr. Tanja Liesch


A list of the theses that have been completed with us so far can be found on the staff pages of Dr. Nadine Göppert and Dr. Tanja Liesch.


In addition, the following topics are offered as final theses:

ARCADIS Prize for Geo- and Environmental Research

The company ARCADIS Germany GmbH donates an annual prize of 1,000 euros in the field of geo and environmental research. The prize is awarded for outstanding master's theses and doctoral theses that were written at KIT institutes with a focus on geo and environmental science. Graduates who have completed their master's or doctoral thesis in the above-mentioned fields within the last two calendar years are eligible to participate in the competition.

More information and application: