Field devices
We have numerous field devices and probes for the determination of hydrological, physicochemical and microbiological parameters as well as for carrying out marking experiments and hydraulic tests:
Multiparameter measuring instruments (WTW) for measuring pH, redox, oxygen, conductivity, temperature and turbidity
Online measuring instruments from SEBA for the measurement of pH, redox, oxygen, conductivity, temperature, nitrate and turbidity
Spectro::lyser probe (s::can Messtechnik GmbH) for online measurement of nitrate with high temporal resolution
6 field fluorimeters for the determination of fluorescence tracers (FL30, FL24) (see marking techniques).
Filter fluorometers (Trilogy, Turner Instruments) for on-site measurement of fluorescent dyes and CDOM
Field photometer and rapid test
pHoto Flex (WTW) for photometric on-site determination, e.g. of hydrogen carbonate and sulfate
photoLAB® 6600 UV-VIS spectrophotometer for recording spectra and for the determination of numerous water constituents
various quick tests, e.g. for the measurement of hydrogen carbonate