Tracer methods in hydrogeology Basics and innovations

FH-DGGV - Advanced training
Tracer methods in hydrogeology
Basics and innovations

Online course on 15 October 2020

flyer (PDF)


Hydrogeology Section of the DGGV e.V.
and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

About the event

Marking or tracer experiments are among the most conclusive methods in hydrogeology and are therefore among the most important tools not only in research but also for applied questions. By means of marking experiments, underground compounds can be clearly detected. In addition, flow and transport parameters such as flow velocities, residence times and dispersion can be used for quantitative determination. Soluble fluorescent tracers are still the most important markers. However, particle tracers are also of interest for certain problems, for example, when it comes to the transport and behaviour of pathogenic microorganisms in groundwater. Marking experiments in boreholes can be used for horizon-specific hydraulic characterisation of the aquifer, as an alternative or as a supplement to geophysical borehole logging. This advanced training course teaches the basics and presents innovations in hydrogeological marking technology - from experiment preparation, analysis and quantitative evaluation or modelling with relevant software to concrete practical examples of application.


The documents are located in the protected area.


Thursday, 15 October 2020

Introduction, basic terms, labelling substances and analytical methods
Nico Gold Cutter

- Basic terms and definitions
- Types of markers
- Introduction to fluorescence analysis

10:00 Break

Practical implementation of marking tests
Nico Gold Cutter

- Selection of sampling points and input quantities
- Execution of the input
- Sampling and monitoring methods
- Practical examples

Laboratory and field equipment
Nadine Göppert

- Filter fluorimeter
- Spectral fluorimeter
- EEM Spectral Fluorimeter (Aqualog)
- Flow and borehole fluorimeter
- Activated carbon analysis

12:00 Lunch Break

Evaluation and interpretation of marking tests
Nico Gold Cutter

- Fundamentals of mass transfer
- Dwell times and flow velocities
- Calculation and interpretation of the recovery
- Practical examples

14:30 Break

Borehole Methods
Nadine Göppert

- Overview of methods
- Theoretical foundations
- Practical examples

15:30 Break

Computer exercises with CXTFIT
Nico Goldscheider and Nadine Göppert

- Introduction to CXTFIT
- direct problems
- inverse problems

17:30 End of the online course