
Hydrogeology is the science of groundwater and its interaction with rocks. In most parts of the world, groundwater is the quantitatively most important and qualitatively best drinking water resource. Hydrogeology deals with the occurrence, movement, quality, use and protection of groundwater. Our hydrogeological research includes observations, measurements and experiments in nature and in the laboratory as well as mathematical and numerical modelling. We cover the entire spectrum of groundwater research. Special focus is on karst and alpine hydrogeology, groundwater protection and management, tracer & pumping tests, artificial intelligence & machine learning, groundwater & ecology as well as thermal groundwater use.


We are involved in many ways in the Fachsektion Hydrogeologie e.V., an interdisciplinary interest group from science, authorities and industry that deals with all aspects of hydrogeology.



Bastan Habbel bei der Präsentation seiner Masterarbeit
Bastian Habbel receives the IWW Sponsorship Award for his Master's thesis

Bastian Habbel was awarded the prize for outstanding theses at the Darmstadt Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management Colloquium on February 26, 2025. His Master's thesis entitled “Simulation and evaluation of initial measures for hydromorphological watercourse development” impressed the jury with its good presentation of the extensive investigation of a complex process with a concrete, clear result.

To the event
Freude an der Wissenschaft? Doktorandin/Doktorand (w/m/d) gesucht!

Die Dienstleistungseinheit Projektträger Karlsruhe (PTKA) sucht in Zusammenarbeit mit der Abteilung Hydrogeologie eine Mitarbeiterin bzw. einen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) in der Wissenschaft mit der Möglichkeit zur berufsbegleitenden Promotion für den Themenbereich „Risikoanalyse von Wasserressourcen“.

Zur Stellenausschreibung
Newsletter Klima und Umwelt
Groundwater and karst springs in the current newsletter of the KIT Center for Climate and Environment

The current newsletter of the KIT Center for Climate and Environment offers exciting insights into groundwater and karst spring research. One article is dedicated to the successfully completed KARMA project, which investigated karst aquifers in the Mediterranean region with regard to water availability, water quality and climate change. Researchers from the geosciences, including Prof. Dr. Goldscheider, are also presented.

Kantonale Expertengruppe Sicherheit
Prof. Nico Goldscheider is a member of the Cantonal Expert Group on Security (KES)

Prof. Nico Goldscheider has been a member of the Cantonal Expert Group on Safety (KES) since September 2024, which deals with safety issues relating to the planned deep geological repository for radioactive waste in Switzerland. According to current plans, the Swiss repository is to be built in the Opalinus Clay at a depth of 900 m, south of the High Rhine in the canton of Zurich.

Weitere Informationen
Karlsruhe Karst Lecture No. 34

The 34th Karlsruhe Karst Lecture will take place on January 13, 2025. Prof. Dr. Christioph Spötl will give a lecture on the topic 'Caves, Karstwater & Speleothems: A Journey through Time and Three Continents'.

"Karst: Environment and Management of Aquifers" for free download

The book "Karst: Environment and Management of Aquifers" was published as part of "The Groundwater Project" and is available for free. The book provides an introduction to karst and is aimed at a broad audience to provide a deeper understanding of karst areas.


Zum Buch
Prof. Dr Nico Goldscheider was appointed Honorary Fellow of the Geological Society of America (GSA)

Prof Goldscheider was appointed an Honorary Member of the Geological Society of America (GSA) in 2024. This programme was established by the GSA Council in 1909 and since then one or more honorary members have been appointed each year. Honorary members are international geoscientists who have made outstanding contributions to science.

Cooperation and Solidarity with Israel

We have been cooperating with colleagues from Israel for many years and declare our full solidarity with our friends in Israel in this terrible situation. We therefore support the statement on the situation in Israel that KIT published as part of the Alliance of Science Organizations.

To the Statement
Contribution to the TV show Terra X: The Path of the Water

On 20.08.2023, the ZDF show "Terra X" dealt with the question of the origin and importance of water as a resource. Among other things, the tracer marking experiments carried out by the KIT in the Blautopf cave system on the Swabian Alb were featured (from minute 15:50).

Zur Sendung
TV report on the issue of groundwater extraction

The TV station SWR has also published an article focusing on increasing groundwater extraction as a result of climate change. The article gets to the bottom of the question of how much various user groups want to extract today today and in the future, and how this may be campatible with sustainability.

Zum Artikel
SPIEGEL-Titelgeschichte über Wassermangel in Deutschland

The current cover story of the SPIEGEL (30/2023) is about water shortages in Germany. Prof. Nico Goldscheider is quoted several times in connection with our cooperation with the state water supply in Langenau, which supplies 3 million people with drinking water, as well as with general statements about groundwater, water availability and the nitrate problem. (Article unfortunately behind paywall)

Zum Artikel

Latest publications

Data-driven modelling of hydraulic-head time series: results and lessons learned from the 2022 Groundwater Time Series Modelling Challenge
Collenteur, R. A.; Haaf, E.; Bakker, M.; Liesch, T.; Wunsch, A.; Soonthornrangsan, J.; White, J.; Martin, N.; Hugman, R.; de Sousa, E.; Vanden Berghe, D.; Fan, X.; Peterson, T. J.; Bikše, J.; Di Ciacca, A.; Wang, X.; Zheng, Y.; Nölscher, M.; Koch, J.; Schneider, R.; Benavides Höglund, N.; Krishna Reddy Chidepudi, S.; Henriot, A.; Massei, N.; Jardani, A.; Rudolph, M. G.; Rouhani, A.; Gómez-Hernández, J. J.; Jomaa, S.; Pölz, A.; Franken, T.; Behbooei, M.; Lin, J.; Meysami, R.
2024. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28 (23), 5193–5208. doi:10.5194/hess-28-5193-2024
Flooding and flood water storage in karst systems of the Mediterranean region
Xanke, J.; Stevanović, Z.; Liesch, T.; Kaltenbrunn, A.; Ravbar, N.; Jourde, H.; Andreo, B.; Barberá, J. A.; Goldscheider, N.
2024. Hydrogeology Journal, 32 (6), 1587–1605. doi:10.1007/s10040-024-02811-0
Karst aquifer discharge response to rainfall interpreted as anomalous transport
Elhanati, D.; Goeppert, N.; Berkowitz, B.
2024. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28 (17), 4239–4249. doi:10.5194/hess-28-4239-2024
Carbonate rocks and karst water resources in the Mediterranean region
Xanke, J.; Goldscheider, N.; Bakalowicz, M.; Barberá, J. A.; Broda, S.; Chen, Z.; Ghanmi, M.; Günther, A.; Hartmann, A.; Jourde, H.; Liesch, T.; Mudarra, M.; Petitta, M.; Ravbar, N.; Stevanović, Z.
2024. Hydrogeology Journal, 32 (5), 1397–1418. doi:10.1007/s10040-024-02810-1
Changes in the limiting nutrients and dominant phytoplankton communities of three major European rivers: Response to catchment lithologies and human activities
Zeng, S.; Sun, H.; Liu, Z.; Goldscheider, N.; Frank, S.; Goeppert, N.; Zhao, M.; Zeng, H.; Han, C.
2024. Journal of Hydrology, 637, Art.-Nr.: 131362. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131362
Data-driven modeling of hydraulic head time series: results and lessons learned from the 2022 groundwater modeling challenge
Collenteur, R. A.; Haaf, E.; Bakker, M.; Liesch, T.; Wunsch, A.; Soonthornrangsan, J.; White, J.; Martin, N.; Hugman, R.; Fienen, M.; de Sousa, E.; Vanden Berghe, D.; Fan, X.; Peterson, T.; Bikše, J.; Di Ciacca, A.; Wang, X.; Zheng, Y.; Nölscher, M.; Koch, J.; Schneider, R.; Benavides Höglund, N.; Chidepudi, S. K. R.; Henriot, A.; Massei, N.; Jardani, A.; Rudolph, M. G.; Rouhani, A.; Gómez-Hernández, J.; Jomaa, S.; Pölz, A.; Franken, T.; Behbooei, M.; Lin, J.; Tolson, B.; Meysami, R.
2024. Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 1–21. doi:10.5194/hess-2024-111
Towards understanding the influence of seasons on low-groundwater periods based on explainable machine learning
Wunsch, A.; Liesch, T.; Goldscheider, N.
2024. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28 (9), 2167 – 2178. doi:10.5194/hess-28-2167-2024